Obsessed-with-TechnologyIt’s the 21st century and a majority of the households in American contain at least one computer. If not, several laptops and smart phones. On top of, three tablets. But, if you’re utilizing your brain and can function properly in society without a smart phone glued to your hand, then props to you because an image like that is rare today.

I’ll start by admitting to my own unfortunate technology habits. Most days, I will wake up and go through Instagram and Twitter almost instantly. It sort of gives me those few minutes to wake up and scroll through late night missed events with one eye open. When my mind finally defogs, I drop the phone and start my day. Sometimes I don’t touch my computer until hours into the day. Others, I’m forced to gaze at it in the morning an hour or two before a quiz. Basically, we choose what to read, see and hear in this information society and thus I choose to wake up and be updated on what previously occurred on my limited social network sites. Maybe this is just how people have become to adapt to technology, but most people (including myself) hold some kind of apprehension if updates are streaming across their eyes every so often. Sure its easy to distract yourself and avoid this obsession, but the minute you can get your phone back into its crib, the action is reestablished.

As for technology in public… if I am speaking to you directly or telling you a story (more frequently), you better be paying attention to me and not to that damn $500 piece of plastic in your hand. I find it extremely disrespectful and rude when someone has a device in their hand and their eyes are glued to its screen. Here’s my suggestion to you if this happens. Stop mid sentence, and walk away. Sometimes people take it as a joke but seriously, you don’t realize what you’re doing and you don’t see yourself like I do by how attached you are to a silly little square. Open your eyes.

People have lost their sense of reality through desensitization and constant consumption of a little box with a bright screen. Yes, technology is a huge advancement and pretty much runs our lives now but try to get in touch with yourself and distant the fingers from any technological devices. I find it so important for an individual to put some time aside for them self and just think and reflect on their identity and personality. How else are you going to surround yourself with good vibes? Certainly not through the internet.

Find beauty in nature and beauty in yourself and beauty in others. Motivation, ambition and determination mainly comes from other people or sources pushing you further and further. Sure there are websites and blogs (oops that’s me) that can do the same, but when you fall down, you have to get up in order to log on to your computer or find your phone. That friend would physically help and guide you back into place.


At the beginning of the semester, my Psychology Professor talked about how people are consistently tuned into something from the moment they wake up till the second they fall asleep. There is never a chance to focus on your breathing, pulse and inner thoughts and feelings. Whether its reading a book, watching television, texting someone, writing a blog post about how people shouldn’t always use technology…..or even listening to music, people are barely alone and content. You can’t find yourself surrounded in sounds. Discover personal peace and joy with silence and comfort. Every once and a while I’ll even shut my phone off because I need time away from communication and that’s perfectly fine. By taking these suggestions, you will do your mind and body a favor by taking a break from all areas of technology.

For another rant on electronics, read my previous post titled Online Obsession.



Check out i Disorder by Larry Rosen.

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