Warning: The following information may sound slightly familiar and claim you as a victim of overusing social networks for irrational reasons.
This ‘How To’ post may seem so simple and full of common sense. Everyone has a smart phone and computer now so that means that everyone is familiar with Facebook and Twitter. For now I am isolating those to networks to address my concerns. Otherwise, my thoughts are irrelevant due to the amount of free blogging sites, which is ultimately one of the cure’s to this fake disease.
Who: Older women & men and young teenagers who lack a productive life.
What: Overusing the basic functions of Facebook & Twitter.
Where: Tablets, smart phones, laptops, desktop computer, and gaming systems?
Why: It’s easy, quick, and they think that their ‘friends’ will care……
All of my readers must have at least one or more of those kind of friends that are always checking Facebook and Twitter as well as updating every single moment of their life on it. Before I start ranting, I would like to note that it is healthy to keep family members and old friends updated on your life via pictures and short/sweet status’, but that’s about it.
Joe Schmoe: “Feelin like s**** rite now cuz Amanda brok up with me for some b******. If I ever find out who he is ill make sure he’ll never be able to breath again.
Interpretation: Fix the grammar. Do not post anything about your love life on Facebook. Facebook is not a free online therapist. It is all about news and communication. PROPER communication that is. If you’re friends with someone who types like this, it is more than likely that he/she behaves and acts the same way. You are who you associate yourself with. *reevaluation*
XOchristinaXLOVEXO: I cant stand you right now. #getoutofmysite
XOchristinaXLOVEXO: OMG why does this guy next to me smell so bad #takeabath #boyyousmell #omgiamaboutopukeifhedoesnotleave
XOchristinaXLOVEXO: ‘What a girl wants what a girl needs….’ *annoying song lyrics that take up three tweets*
XOchristinaXLOVEXO: I am SOOOOO hungry where the hell is my damn mom with my food #hateher
XOchristinaXLOVEXO: Today I was upset so daddy gave me $300 to go shopping #rich #suckstosuck #spoiled
Interpretation: This made up user is obviously an over-user of Twitter. Notice five tweets in a row, all containing senseless hash tags. Also notice the snottiness and annoying-ness this user reveals of herself. After reading her tweets she will most certainly than deserve an unfollow, not shopping money or food or respect from anyone else. Twitter was originally created as micro-blogging and to ‘tweet’ updates under 140 characters. According to Jack Dorsey, “…we came across the word ‘twitter’, and it was just perfect. The definition was ‘a short burst of inconsequential information,’ and ‘chirps from birds’. And that’s exactly what the product was.” (Wiki)
AGAIN, short bursts of information. Not 5 updates about your feelings towards another person!
My ‘behind the scenes’ point is this: there are alternative ways to speaking the truth, expressing your thoughts, and venting to someone over social networks. Whatever you put on Twitter and Facebook can be seen by everyone and i’m sure that can slightly alarm you. The creator made Twitter require a text limit under 140 characters FOR A REASON.
Lately I’ve seen people take internet tools too seriously and personally. If you do not access these sights on your phone or computer or what have you, then you wont be as stressed out as I am about other user’s stupidity. Basically, think before you type, or talk-to-type for that matter. When you do type, use proper grammar and punctuation because when it comes to using slang and improper grammar, you’re more likely to then speak it and use it in a more professional setting where it is certainly not tolerated.
Alternatives: Plain and simple. I’ve already posted about uses to relieve stress and anger with Save Your Knuckles a Bruising back in 2012. Not once to I refer to internet usage.
GET A JOURNAL. I know plenty of adults who even benefit from writing down their thoughts to release stress and internal pain. It doesn’t even have to be labeled a journal or a ‘diary’, just purchase a notebook and begin writing. If there is a personal conflict you obtain with someone and address them through Facebook, delete every interaction and confront them in person. Social networks have seriously decreased the amount of person-to-person interaction, ultimately leading to an increase in depression, social awkwardness, and overall shy personalities. These things can seriously develop and become difficult to rid of. Use reality to your advantage, not to run and hide from.
Blogging: Mirror my actions right now at this very moment. I have a journal and still complain to anyone who cares to read WJHP. Okay maybe I actually write useful stuff sometimes. But other times i’m sharing my thoughts about other people who make ridiculous mistakes. That is absolutely OK to share thoughts and feelings on blogging sites. Just as long as you give credit to people who deserve it and be cautious of what words and phrases you use.
By any means, I am not encouraging you to delete your online profiles, but to properly acquire full knowledge of the human brain. Most people disregard the natural smarts they hold and it’s truly a shame. But, I certainly do not mind training others in how to do so.
From another screen to you, leave your rants, comments, concerns and negativity to a piece of paper that no one else can publicly see and take advantage of.