The time has come to realize how long my ridiculous sentences have been streaming this site and out into reader’s minds. Many may not be aware that I have been writing on this blog for almost two years, and that’s quite alright because a lot of my earlier work is hard to read without completely erasing every word. So, what does this mean? Nothing really..I suppose it is more for me to analyze where I started and then to be proud of how far I’ve come.
With that being said.. here’s to you. The reader. Who has supported my work. I wouldn’t be anywhere without people who actually care.. orĀ pretend to care. It is a wonderful feeling to hear that someone visited this site and went through my posts. It’s similar to having your best friends show up at a dance recital or a big sporting event that’s important to you. That’s how grateful I am. Cheers to number two and many more plus ones.