Sorry, uh, oh, excuse me, sorry.
The female population has this unconscious response to every awkward and unfamiliar action that needs to be tailored. In the past, I have read so many articles about ‘twenty-something’ women who apologize too much. So, why do we do it?
In the age of greater technology, we tend to whip out the smart phone in an uncomfortable situation. When we are around strangers we do it, while waiting for a ride we do it, and if we walk pass a person we don’t like/don’t know, we pretend to be on our phone.
In similar situations, awkward door handlers is most common for this topic. You’re heading for a door at the same time as someone else so either one of you has to take the lead, while doing so you feel the urge to mutter ‘ooh sorry’. NO NO
Sorry for what?! Needing to walk through a doorway to get to class? For quickly walking pass a stranger?
Do not overuse this. It seems to be much easier to pronounce sorry instead of excuse me. One is a form of surrender or confession and the other is simply good manners.
I understand that it’s such a quick encounter with mindless, nervous chatter but try not say it… anymore!
The reasoning digs deep down into your soul by interpreting how you approach other situations different and alike.
Rejecting and depriving yourself of positive gifts and replacing it with negative influences.
Think about it this way.. if you believe that you’re always in the wrong during a passerby situation, what will happen in a personal relationship or even a simple friendship? You’re going to get walked all over and not be respected. I find the number one theme in any kind of relationship is respect and next trust. If you can’t respect someone, how do you expect them to respect you? The feelings and actions that are spread onto peers can quickly be scanned and even improperly understood.
Projecting accurate body language is a smooth sail to respect and trustworthiness while practicing simple manners.
‘Sorry, but I will not apologize for passing by….”
If you think i’m fibbing, refer to this interesting Huffington post article!