While working on an investigative story at my internship, a colleague said “eating healthy is similar to hiking, it doesn’t take much, you don’t need all the fancy gear, most of the time is inexpensive to walk a trail, but you need an able body to do it, and a mind that wants to do it.”
You can tell people over and over again how to eat healthy and the proper ways to take care of their body, but at the end of the day its up to the individual. This metaphor is probably the most accurate comparison I could think of to put together a way for someone to think about healthy eating.
I’m no nutrition major like this source, but I learn more and more everyday about available foods. With even just a little knowledge, eating right is really not hard, and it’s so fun once you dedicate time to it. Also, eating healthy doesn’t always have to be the all or nothing scenario, depending on what your goals are. It’s easy to sneak in healthier options every day in order to make a complete transition. When taking baby steps, you learn about what healthy food you like and create a diet/lifestyle that is adaptable.
Last month I watched the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead and it made me realize how little people know about how to eat properly. It also made me realize how much food is out there that simply doesn’t need to exist. It serves no nutritional purpose what-so-ever, we eat certain ‘foods’ for no reason. I hope that makes sense…
Eat to live, don’t live to eat.
I’m not trying to bash people who have a passion for food, I completely admire that. But, to think that our body is a temple and its our only one, WHY put chemicals in it that won’t give you a positive result. In other words, remove all the processed junk out of your life and stick with fresher than fresh choices. If you are eating something without an expiration date or something that doesn’t go bad, throw it out, it will serve your body nothing and make you feel awful.
We must connect our mind with our body to have the wants and needs meet. I may want a pop-tart, because the refined sugars taste good, but I don’t need to feel like crap by eating. I can get that with a bad night of sleep. You see what I mean?
The documentary mainly focuses on the power of juicing because it gives you a massive amount of nutrients in one meal. Also, the main character was relying on steroids to help rid his auto immune disease and he couldn’t handle it anymore. He also met an overweight truck driver and helped him discover the world of juicing. Both men overcame useless cravings to better their body with raw nutrients.
Whether you go out right now and buy a juicer and $50 worth of produce or rush to the butcher to get some lean meats, make your life healthier with one small change each day. Vegetables and lean meats are crucial to our diets.. not what is generated in a factory. Your diet should consist of anything you can grow or hunt yourself, essentially.
My guarantee to you (from personal experience and my own weight loss journey) is that a healthier life makes wondrous changes to a person including a happier mood, increased energy levels and sometimes a better nights sleep. Too many people are relying on drugs to make them feel better and they don’t consider the poison that’s being consumed day-after-day because it’s become a routine. We already know routine is hard to break, but in the end, would you rather break your wallet on endless drugs or expensive produce and proteins? The choice is on you, but it may determine the rest of your life.