Dear Readers,

Supposedly tomorrow the world is supposed to end. On many accounts I am highly doubtful of that. But just in case, I would like to leave this site with some wonderful words. It may not be the correct holiday, but I’m thankful for a lot of things this time around. The few viewers I have that stick with me weekly…the health and love I have in my life, and the opportunities that I’ve been given that most people cannot obtain. There’s times where I want to give up so badly and quite writing because this is so much simpler on paper with a train of thought, but my closets ones remind me why I started this and how much it has helped me grow. For over a year I have been spilling sentences and unnecessary phrases to a keyboard in hope someone will understand what I’m saying.

My goal was and still is for people to read my words and interpret what they can from it. I shouldn’t be the one to sit here and tell you what my blog is about. I should be able to ask you what you think it is about. I believe in the beautiful creation of free thoughts and creativity. Making people think can lead to beautiful things. But feeding them what they want leaves no growth for their future. I hope that everyone in this world would want to leave a mark on someone or something. That’s one of my personal goals. To always learn something from anyone I meet, and to leave something with them from me. It’s a mysterious way of getting attention without being the person everyone hates.

Considering today is the last day ever………… just try and be happy. But if you do anything stupid, I suppose it won’t matter at this point. Give life a reason to live. Give yourself a reason to enjoy life. And be thankful all of the time.




We’re Just Here Pretending…end-of-the-world

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