photo 2 (2)Many people may mention this idea of life every so often or they might just even see it as nothing. What I am referring to is the journey that people take that consists of a daily routine, working every single day plus overtime, and all just to have the best retirement or to save up for a pricey luxury. On the other hand, you have the secure free spirits. They love to enjoy their life by traveling and experiencing new things and going on adventures but they don’t have as much to show for as the other guy. Sure there are plenty of other factors hidden within these two categories, but maybe you find yourself subtly living inside one of these worlds, or possibly a combination. I will say that I obviously can’t speak for much about work ethic or how people live their lives, but from what I observe this is what I have come up with.

I suppose if you work at a job that you absolutely enjoy, then working there every single day hoping to get all the promotions and raises possible to end up with a fancy condo is fairly reasonable. That most likely also includes the typical relationship process too. Get married, have kids, grow old together, etc. Those free spirits may not have the same mentality but wish to have something similar. In my opinion, I think I could live both lives. I do so now more or less with attempting to not conform to society’s standards but still yearn for structure.  I also think that both lives are healthy and worth the while and if you can fit into both lives during this journey then kudos to you.

My generation and ones yet to come are taught to find a job that they enjoy and that they are good at so that they are not stuck at a minimum wage job, living check to check. But what everyone should understand is that sometimes that’s how life works out. Whether it be due to a former mistake or just a bump in the road that couldn’t be shaved down. Some people end up staying longer than others at that crappy job but they have to make it work for their loved ones until they get back on track. Life happens.

free-spirit-skip-huntThe bright side of free spirits, in my visions, is that they live to see the world and fight to escape where they have been held down for too long. But, the truth is, is you’re only relocating elsewhere, and in that elsewhere, there are others that wish to escape too. So, you can either deal with the fact that most places you go will not have much of a different story than from where you left, or make the most out of it and make the experience different and unique instead of hoping to find more than what there really is. I don’t doubt that every place a free spirit visits holds numerous stories and roller coasters to ride because I’ve definitely been down that path before. Understand your new surroundings, but remain yourself. Learn and adapt to new customs, but improve your mindset.

I would say that both paths have their ups and downs with the option of combining the two as well. With these thoughts, I have come to realize that it may not be about the life you chose but what you make out of the adventure you experience while going through it. Instead of beating yourself up over several occurrences, drop it and move on. Life really is so short and to take it for granted is unacceptable. See the beauty in moments and make those moments more incredible each minute.


Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that, the sooner we will be able to treat life as art. ”
~Maya Angelou 

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