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She looked out the window into the world of wonder. Music class was over her head easy and Bach was just not making the lecture any more enjoyable than it was. The skinny rows of water glistened in the sunlight, just after a dreary, dark day. The Sun always appears once the grey is gone. But was it truly grey or just something that had to happen. The sunlight was there to reflect on the water, almost as if it was raining again, but it wasn’t. This miniature river flowed down the street parallel to its partner on the opposite side, closest to construction. Cars managed to travel directly in the middle of the one way road to avoid it. The flow couldn’t be touched except for the glare from above.

When the Sun is alive, the rain usually subsides. They would contradict each other otherwise. Sometimes the clouds will cast across the Sun though, just to release some water. Whatever they land on is at risk for a cleanse. At risk to be washed away. To be pushed away and hidden elsewhere. Isn’t that what animals do? How often do you see a bird on the sidewalk just bathing in the rain? Not that often. The rain can be good and the rain can be bad. But it’s only the Sun that is able to chase the rain away.

The clouds float away, and then wait patiently for a new day. That stream grew further and further to where she could not see the end. More often you can’t. Rarely you find the end of the rainbow, and even then its an unfortunate find. No one suggested that the end of the flowing water would hold some sort of prize but wouldn’t you think so? Some kind of personal recognition would be received then, if nothing else. Satisfaction and happiness possibly. Who else followed the stream besides you? Three other people, or a thousand? You all gazed at the same glistening specs. The view made from up above. Made from a combination of a clear sky and a brightly shining Sun prepared to erase all that the water brought on prior. Both environments bring out similar procedures then I suppose. The Sun dries up the sorrow and sadness while the rain brings it down but also washes it all away.

So, there really are no differences. Both are the same. One occurrence happens before the other, but we may never know how or when. We won’t know how many other people followed the stream, or felt the warm sunlight, or escaped from the rain. All you know is how you felt about the weather while your body remained still and present in Music class.

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