Learn from yourself
“I’m not following anybody’s tracks, i’m making my own, baby.” -Picabo Street People who can make their own happiness and teach/learn from themselves based on experiences are amazing influences. Be the best that you can be without relying on others to make that happen. No one else can determine your happiness. Recently I’ve noticed that […]
As Humans, We Do What We Please.
‘Ew, omg that girl has a huge muffin top’ ‘Does that kid ever shower? His hair is so greasy’ ‘You never have money so we can’t do anything together, is your family poor or something?’ Judgment [without an ‘e’] I once had a friend growing up who led me on a path that was left […]
Crooked Smiles: September
Mom and Puppers came to visit two weeks after school started and I had the pleasure of bringing them to The Top of the World scene. After working at Color Me Rad back at home, my best friend and I got the opportunity to run in the race and get mighty colorful. […]