SAAM and the XX Chromosome Pair

*Disclaimer* This post contains a more serious side of We’re Just Here Pretending.. Before another month is over and done with, I most certainly wanted to put my two cents out into the blog world about this month’s awareness theme. As you all may recall, I have dedicated a post a few months ago, to spread […]

Blog of the Week

I want to thank the North East Bloggers Network for being featured as the Blog of the Week! We’re Just Here Pretending is posted up on the network ready for readers! Head over and check out the tiny post I wrote!

Stationary Moments

Most mornings I wake up earlier than the typical young adult would in college, considering most of my classes do not even begin until noon. Why not waste away early hours? But, when I do wake up around 930 am, ready to get some work done, I start by brewing a K-Cup and booting up […]