Droplets from the Sunshine

She looked out the window into the world of wonder. Music class was over her head easy and Bach was just not making the lecture any more enjoyable than it was. The skinny rows of water glistened in the sunlight, just after a dreary, dark day. The Sun always appears once the grey is gone. […]

Gym Etiquette

Are you the type of person that is too afraid to enter a gym but you want to get in shape so badly? Is the gym intimidating? Boring? Smelly? Yeah, most likely it is, but it’s up to you to make your workout enthralling. Some things to focus on while getting back into a routine […]

  Have you guys checked out my Facebook photography page Advence Photography? Take a look at my recent shots while I get back on track with my ideas for a next wonderful post. “It is a cruel, ironical art, photography. The dragging of captured moments into the future; moments that should have been allowed to […]