Euphoric Thoughts
What does one have to do in order to reach euphoria? This condition of extreme happiness and self-confidence. It depends of course, on the type of person you are. Slow and steady or quick and easy. Can you experience euphoria more than once? Is it an alternate word for happiness? It shouldn’t be. What kind […]
Lend a Helping Hand
When I was younger I held some sick pessimistic thought that helping other people and volunteering was dumb and ‘not cool’. But once I got older and realized how many other people have it worse than I do, I slapped some sense into myself and began to appreciate the little things in life. Once I […]
Adventure Time
Without a care, without a purpose, without excuses and without a reason. With intention to explore. Several expressions or suggestions to consider when considering a good time. I feel as though people may not always know one hundred percent what they’re doing in their life. They get caught up in what they think they should […]