You turn on the television at noon or during dinner time to catch up on your local news. You learn about a robbery, car crash, two shootings and a fire that occurred within the past few days. You then shake your head, turn off the television and continue on with life. Needless to say all the information that was presented was not so pleasant. The news also isn’t something that has the ability to cheer people up immediately. So, then you walk away from your evening with crimes and sad stories but nothing amazing to talk about. I call this one of many examples in life that lead to constant negativity and unfortunate circumstances.
The other day I was at my friend Kelsey’s house when I noticed her putting small pieces of paper with writing on them into a large mason jar. When I asked her why she was doing it she explained that since the start of the new year she has written down something positive and good that happened that particular day. Every day she writes something new to put into the jar. Then 365 days later she will open them all up to read them and reminisce on all of the happy and encouraging things from the past year. Immediately I responded by saying how much of a negative person I am and how that nice and influential crap won’t help me. But then I sat there and dwelled on it and realized that maybe this little inspiring activity might actually help me improve my overall mood and decrease my cynical thoughts. Change, change, change.
Most people do not wake up by saying “Today will be a wonderful day, i’m so excited to take on all of the bumps in the road.” Instead, they are quick to dread the fact that they have to wake up and start their day. The thought of having not enough sleep is definitely the first thought on my mind in the morning, or some people wake up and instantly get back to continuous thoughts and to-do lists that stress them out. All actions could eventually lead to some serious long term anger problems and social interactions that just would not go smoothly. In other words, people that surround themselves with negativity will certainly be more able to pass those feelings onto others and find it harder overall to feel happy and joyful again. Of course everyone has their stretches of sarcasm but once the jokes become to cynical its time to think whether you’re really upset about something or just being careless.
I really enjoy Kelsey’s idea because it really reminded me of myself and how I like to write in a journal. Sure not all of my thoughts are positive but maybe this act will help me discover a newer and healthier side which could also help me establish more aspects of my personality. Anyone could take the jar idea and run with it by altering it in some way as long as the contents that it contains is little pieces of paper with wonderful comments on it that will sooner or later life your spirits.
“There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.” ~W. Clement Stone