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Growing up, one of the most important things I was taught was to always go the extra step in any situation–I was taught proper manners and how to respect adults. I never actually wanted to behave like a young lady, but i’m thankful for the practice now.

Too many people who I’ve met seriously lacked intelligence, common sense, or basic manners and it makes me wonder how they get ahead in life.

The funny thing about common sense is that it rarely fulfills expectations. The phrase means, to think and behave in a reasonable way and make good decisions. Most people have common sense, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that they make good decisions.

Speaking of good decisions, I have been challenged by a friend to listen to my good prompts and avoid the negative ones. For example, if you’re on your way to class and see someone who dropped their books, follow your quick gut feeling to help the person in need. The other thought would be to quickly walk by and forget you saw anything.


In addition to this thought challenge, I have been conscious of my foul mouth and anger spikes. Usually when I’m mad at something I spend 10 minutes complaining about it just to boil my blood when nothing good comes out of it. Now, if I remember to think carefully and slowly before speaking or making a decision; I end up less irritated.

At the beginning of the semester I walked into my ‘Power of Words’ class with pre-doubts and judgments because I didn’t approve of the way the professor taught. He’s retired, can barely walk and focuses the class on the student producing work. I didn’t mind the work at first because I had none in my other classes, but then the books started branching into religion and I didn’t feel comfortable about it. Regardless, I had to read it, and it actually changed my mind by the end of the third book we had to read.

My expectation going into the class consisted of a completely different work load, but in the end, the course material was extremely intriguing and relevant to my life. I can say that I learned a lot just from reading books for course material. The course has proved me wrong and has me contemplating every thought and word I speak because I am now aware of how my word’s context can have an impact on things.

So don’t ever believe anyone if they say you don’t learn anything in college, because you do…

My advice for anyone who needs a change in their life is to keep an open mind. One of the most popular suggestions from these ‘self-help’ books is to keep an open mind in anything in life. From personal experience it allows you hold your own views while still respecting and understanding others’ views.

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Another thought, never disagree or agree, but state observations to avoid criticism. Such practices can avoid arguments and a strong surge of anger.

Even if you don’t need a change in your life, understanding your expectations and the power of words is something that will always be useful.

As the days go on, I find it easier and easier to enjoy life by being happier and healthy.


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