After taking my first poetry class this semester and reading a variety of work, it’s amazing to see how much of life is masked in a metaphor. It almost makes it more beautiful. That’s why I thinkĀ pretending is so common because it’s almost a natural characteristic built into human. We play hide and seek with/as children and pretend to take their nose and pretend to hide behind hands playing peek-a-boo. It’s a trait our parents craft into is without realizing the deeper consequences. Pretending isn’t bad, however, pretending this life is something it’s not, is bad. Maybe not to everyone, and maybe that’s a choice, likeĀ putting on a different mask to wear to the same job everyday. It’s like a filter that only looks good on landscape pictures and terrible in skin tones in a selfie. You choose which one looks the best; mask, filter or trait. Don’t let it change you or let it make you a bad person, because we all pretend.