That’s who matters in this life. Nobody but yourself.
This pass week I’ve heard the same phrase come up in a conversation more than once. Which gives me the perfect excuse for a reflection and to give some personal insight on it.
Don’t waste your time pleasing others because what it comes down to is what matters to you the most.
Something along those lines..
I guess this could go both ways because like I’ve said in the past, at the end of the day it is truly how you are as a person and how you feel about your life that is the most important. It is who surrounds you with love and what the status of your feelings are. Some people get way too stressed about occurrences in their life when it comes to dealing with friends or acquaintances. Seriously though, if someone is not meant to be in your life then let that person go.
I’m a believer in serendipity and that everything happens for a reason. Sure things always happen unexpectedly but there’s always a hidden message that eventually reveals itself.If you’re going out on a limb for someone, then there has really got to be a good reason for it all waiting at the end of the branch. Looking at the bigger picture can be your reward because again, if you’re volunteering part of your life to someone else, you had to have been in it for a reason. That’s why things are planned in a sense. Maybe not in your hands but the aftermath shows it. I’m sure if anyone was given a reason to do something that required much devotion, that would give them the freedom for decision. But if you’re mind gives off OK vibes to go through with something, then the answer will be discovered down the road a little ways.
I think if you’re going to dedicate energy, love and power to another person, you just need to remember that you are the most important priority in your life. That person will not treat you like dirt because your morals don’t allow that. Regardless of your nonsense feelings, your heart actually knows whats real. In any circumstance there has to be that reset moment where you evaluate your life and come back to your senses and who you really are.
I’m sure depending on your location, its very easy to forget who you are as a person. There are plenty of influences to sway a persons thoughts into making them believe in something they don’t. For that short while you convince yourself that some influences come across on a brand new outlook on life, which is awesome. But there’s a difference between considering that new outlook and just understanding what its like to have such a different mind set.
A lot of people are cut and dry where as I am not. I think and think and think and create even more problems for myself to deal with and stress about. I’m sure many people experience this annoying process. But when you mix the two types of people together, you encounter plenty of confusing thoughts and collaborations. Sure there are sprinkles of glitter that escape the experiment, but there will always be some sort of defect.
Despite that defect, I want to make it apparent that everything is about you when it comes down to it. Spend some time considering that new outlook on life if need be but for the time being its crucial to also remind yourself of who you are. Think about the pass few months and what you’ve accomplished. Think about your future plans and what you know you want to accomplish. Establishing this ‘reset’ process is a wonderful adjustment because you treat yourself to a newer you every day.