I’d like to apologize first and foremost for not writing for some time. I have officially transferred to MCLA in Massachusetts and took this long first week to obviously do nothing but loath in bed and decide which classes to drop. On the other hand, I can’t wait to explore the town with my new Nikon D40 and capture every little moment of beauty.



With that being said, perspective can be a major aspect of how someone takes  a picture. It affects how someone sees art and captures a scene. It is also how life is viewed in general. A person’s perspective is everything, especially when comparing situations. While viewing a piece of art with another person, you could say that it appears to be beautiful and inspirational but your friend thinks that it’s just literally a piece of cardboard, when in fact it may be.

To see something from a certain perspective means to regard a situation and judge the relative importance. I suppose that people who view the glass half full live life differently than people who view the glass half empty. I never really paid any attention to that theory but in fact it could uphold its ideals. Whichever glass statement you choose to live by could ultimately determine whether you are pessimistic or optimistic. I bring the idea of perspective up because it is a term that I have been hearing lately in some of my classes. When discussing psychology there are several perspectives and professionals in each one. Along with psychology there are plenty of ways to look at aspect of life.

different-perspectives-ps3-trophy-25266.jpgMy tip for the rest of the week is to practice moments where you see a story from a different side or look at it from  a different perspective. It’s so easy to get mad about or at someone because of your beliefs but if you switch roles and see the situation from the opposite side then you might be able to alter your mood and way of thinking instead of getting all worked up. One other thing that goes along with this idea is new years resolutions. This year I did not dedicate a post to new years resolutions like I did last year with How To Make a Resolution, but I do encourage all of my readers to change at least one thing about themselves and to try your best overall. One of my personal little resolutions was to quit being so negative when I think about literally anything. So take my personal experience of negativity and see the world from a different side, angle, floor, what have you. You might even notice a decrease in stress because of fewer arguments or less time to over think ridiculous matters.



“In terms of doing work and in terms of learning and evolving as a person, you just grow more when you get more people’s perspectives… I really try and live the mission of the company and… keep everything else in my life extremely simple.”

~Mark Zuckerberg

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