
I find that I rarely find the time to appreciate this life that I live, but on a Sunday with beautiful weather and nothing wrong, I can honestly say my life is good. It just takes a little analyzing to get to that point.

But then again, knowing I have everything I want seems arrogant. That’s what puts people at this standing.

“I’m healthy, alive and have everything I want, so life is good”

Yes its true, but maybe we need to stop focusing on the things we want want want want want out of life and flip it around to giving to others. Giving to people who don’t have the ability to want things and get whatever they want.

In the end its just a feeling. I feel good, I am good and I have no worries.

Be good to others and most importantly yourself. Think before you speak and locate your golden rule.

Must radiate positive vibes and let a little laugh out on life.

















~Just a little something for your football halftimes~

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