Reasons Why the Internet is Not Good for Gift Ideas

Valentine’s Day is this weekend and what a better holiday than this one to show your loved ones how you really feel. There are many ways to do so, including a hand-made valentine, baking a cake or engraving a key chain that will only get lost or beat up. Some take the online shopping route […]

Young and Dangerous

Babies: They’re cute, cuddly, take a lot of work and cry all the time. Pets: They’re cute, cuddly, poop in the house and bark a lot or scratch the couch. The best of both worlds come with the responsibility of having a child or an animal to care for. Both require money, love, and effort. […]

Figuring it All Out…

I’m so distraught over how well two people can fit together, as well as the simplest of puzzle pieces, and yet, they may have difficulty overcoming an incredibly ridiculous argument that has escalated to no end. The moment is so awful because you feel excessively distant from the other person. You feel like strangers. But […]