I have found it to be slightly difficult to discover inspiring thoughts while being contained in a concrete room of a third floor.. Sure I leave my room every once and a while, but sometimes my bed just has more to offer. Today is the last day of classes and I haven’t been more thrilled about anything else this semester. Three finals next week and then I’m back to the big apple..
So I’ve decided to take this time to reflect on what I’ve learned from college thus far. As if I hadn’t summed it up enough with the rest of my previous posts. I’ve neglected to settle down with one focus for this site, but that is why I believe everyone can create their own focus. I’m in no place to preach about one topic week after week…that would sound just like an extremely long argumentative paper, and I’m over that. Of course I’ll spread the Holiday spirit within the next couple of weeks, but for now i’d prefer to be somewhat off topic.
One of the things that I’ve experienced this semester was the importance of adventure in one’s life and how it should exist in most day to day events. Whether its something miniscule or a huge situation that took plenty of hours planning. Let it happen. But when it comes time to leave the people that taught you what adventures are like, it’s going to be sad, because some people do walk in and out of your life just as you do. Even if you wish to continue that relationship, the person better be worth your time.
Adventures with people who matter. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
The rest of my life holds plenty of wishes, goals, adventures, experiences, and unfortunate disappointments. I find that to be entirely okay. Some people hold way to many conflicts within themselves and with others which ultimately cause them to generate roadblocks that take years and years to tear down. Showing appreciation to the ones you love and care about should happen almost everyday. Even people you are just meeting should be treated with kindness because there are billions of secrets that are held within every single person, and for you to mistreat someone without knowing their purpose in life is not acceptable.
I think that it is possible to meet different people everywhere you go. It is just a matter of how you interpret situations. I believe that after meeting someone, whether getting to know he/she was an option, I make it a goal to learn something about them, good and bad. That way you’re advancing your experiences in life little by little. You gain a slight understanding of everyone at some point, which can ultimately lead to stereotypes, judgments and negative assumptions. So make those positive assumptions to alter your stream of consciousness. Difficult I know right? Not conforming to the views of society must be so difficult.
Here’s one thing that bothers me… people preach about aspects of society that should be diminished or changed when they turn around and habitually continue the same action that they were just against. Now, I wont jump into politics or large societal issues because we all know how vague and neutral my writing can be, but with some instances, just try not to be a hypocrite. We all can be sometimes due to the powerful support of our surroundings. Once you’re back to your every day rituals, that hated action makes its way back in. For example, saying the word ‘gay’ as a descriptive noun while some people may be offended by it. Sure for a day or two you can be the leader of the pack and say how against you are for the fact that people loosely use this word, but once you take part in a loose and laid back conversation, the term slips out. Things happen. Just don’t be that guy.
As finals creep around the corner, my time decreases while my stress hits the roof. I tend to spend a ton more on organizing notes and material than actually cramming information into my brain. But a great stress free process I’ve developed consists of a pencil, colored pencils, paper, music, and a free mind. I understand that not every is as artsy fartsy as me, but sometimes drawing and writing skills come from the smallest, hidden spaces in a person with no idea. To put shapes, color and words to paper release enough stress for me to come around and start studying again. I’m sure I have addressed stress relievers a long time ago, but it’s never to late to go on a search for a new one for fresh stress.