I Will Wait

Wait for lust. Wait for love. Wait for failure, because it’sĀ guaranteedĀ for strength. Wait for success, because you’ll find some after you fail. Wait for endless let downs, because not everyone follows through. Wait for an escape, because everyone has to leave. Wait to be accepted, because people still haven’t learned. Wait to walk away, because […]

Absorbing the Image

Recently I can’t help but ponder on what I really want. Of course I want a degree and a job and family and all of that predictable stuff, but I need a life filled with colors. Today in psychology we learned about intelligence and creativity and it was said that people who have traveled and […]

Think Before You Think

Makes complete sense right? Well let me elaborate on this for a minute. In the past, while entering new environments, I have always been quick to judge other people. Not verbally but certainly mentally. If I walked into a new classroom filled with people I don’t know I would certainly label each one. I’m not […]