Wait for lust.
Wait for love.
Wait for failure, because it’s guaranteed for strength.
Wait for success, because you’ll find some after you fail.
Wait for endless let downs, because not everyone follows through.
Wait for an escape, because everyone has to leave.
Wait to be accepted, because people still haven’t learned.
Wait to walk away, because the end was overdue.
Wait for that ‘big break’, or is that only for entertainers…
Wait for the knowledge to kick in, so that I don’t quit.
Wait for a response, so that I don’t change my mind.
Wait for change, because it has yet to occur.
Wait for recognition, because that takes time and exposure.
Wait for a paycheck, because they only come after hours and about a week of work.
Wait for talent and ability, because i’m still learning on my own.
Wait for those colors to mark up my life, because i’m sick of black and white.
Wait for those moments to breathe big and inhale it all..
Wait for a new semester, because this one needs to end.
Wait for an opportunity, because i’m stuck in my tracks.
Wait for a flight, because I need to explore.
Wait for someone to pick up the phone, because I need to vent.
Wait for a text, because technology is apparent.
Wait for an email confirmation, to join a new online community.
Wait for my hair to grow… grow… so that I can feel pretty.
Wait for the air to get warmer, so that I can’t be a bum.
Wait to change the world, because I’m not prepared for that.
Wait for the memories, because forcing them isn’t right.
Wait for everything, because time doesn’t travel as quick as we want it to.
This journey is a slow one. A slow one to enjoy. Comprehend every bit of it and swallow your pride. In the end time will stop, but only to reflect on every patient moment that left you with a story. Complaining will only relax the ticking of a clock and spread negativity to events that deserve the best. With a fresh breath and a cup of coffee, every day will hold some sort of wait, but how you react to it and label it, is what matters in the end. The wait is up to you in its entirety.