Break it down.

Break it.

Take a break.

Catch a break.

My big break.



Not moving.

Lets break this identity into pieces.


I’m at my second job at the grocery store and two hours have passed. Time for my fifteen. A break, that is. A break for what? It’s a four hour shift, I think I can handle it all without stopping. Well, you’re a part of a union and you have to take breaks. Okay, I guess so.

It’s a quick fifteen, every time. I first respond to all of my missed text messages.. if any. Then, I check Instagram, then Twitter, and maybe Facebook. Every single shift that I have a break with, this is typically my routine. Sad. Bad. Or is it?

Who determines what a break really is? Whether it is between two individuals in a relationship or during a work shift, or physically splitting a whole object into two separate pieces. At my other job I work the desk at a gym, where a break isn’t necessary due to infrequent down time. I didn’t like the quick fifteen at first, until my feet began to hurt. I certainly spoke up about that quick fifteen.

But are breaks always a quick fifteen? Nope. Sometimes I get a thirty minute meal…. Is everyone’s ‘break’ a quick fifteen or a thirty minute meal?

Years ago, all anyone had to break was a Kit-Kat bar. Not anymore. There are a variety of options, decisions and choices to choose from.

Who do you break away from? What do you break? Someone’s heart?


I pose these question solely for the broad avenue that I’ve decided to cruise down with my passenger break. The word came across my mind a few weeks ago, which made me venture inside his meanings and reveal my curious side.

One main thought that escaped from many little thoughts, was the motion of how breaks are dictated by outside forces, almost always. Branching off of my prior examples, a main character has options, which leads to choices. But when does an individual truly say “This break is what I want”? No. They say “I’m gonna take a break, because……..”

Taking a break will benefit you from getting over tired. Taking break will help/hurt/end our relationship. Breaking this object will satisfy my anger. There is rarely a pre-action thought. Or even a pre-thought-thought…

This action of breaking, and thoughts of taking a break are semi-involuntary and unconscious. We all accidentally break objects and then have sad feelings towards that occurrence, as if we wish it never happened. We all take part in these debates and walk away without double checking the previous behavior or apprehension.

What I’m trying to get at is, it is time to start becoming a part of your breaks. Don’t just take them, or physically handle them. Become a part of them. You are your break (as absentminded as that sounds). Those fifteen minutes away from my money making task should be meditation moments and minutes of reevaluation of my current feelings, ideas and mood.


Everyone is waiting for that break. Whether is far along down the line into retirement, or two hours away into a work shift.

If your break is good, make it better. If your break is worse, make it the best. Try harder, and express your effort. Don’t let a break be bad and be your last break.






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