When it comes down to the last two weeks before its time to move into my dorm, I have decided to sit on my bum and preach about getting things done, seeing as how I have yet to begin packing. At this point, I lack motivation, inspiration, and all kinds of influences. Sure I encounter influential people every single day with their youngin’ advice, but when an event is near by in this months schedule, you immediately forget how to ride a bike, in a sense. There has been mornings where I lay in bed browsing my non cable television channels and then finally gaze up at Drew Carey for such an entertaining Price is Right episode. But in between commercials I would continue to make a dip in my mattress by pondering upon objects that I could start putting away tightly into bins, and a little visit to Best Buy for a new electronic addition. Once my morning show returns to the screen, I am still planted on my full size bed, stuck, in a pre-life changing moment.

Motivation is found in the largest of spaces, and in the shortest of friends. It may come around at any time of the day, from any source relevant. These sources will provide you with a  reason to act in a certain way. This is completely different from relying on someone to assist you in your life every step of the way, because that’s simply just a party of growing up and moving out of your parents house. A picture can motivate you to look a certain way, a person can motivate you to move and work out more frequently, and maybe just by looking at your dog, he/she will motivate you to go take them for a walk..

Surely all of my babble should come to you as common sense on a day-to-day basis, but hey, some people could use a clean reminder. So, within the past month I have taken on a form of my own motivation, inspiration, and influences. I created a corny-but-simple work out log just in a 30 day span so that it ends the day before I leave. So far it has gone very well. I set a random number of miles to run each week and pay attention to foods that I consume. I also put together a little make shift workout jar; money is inserted for each run/workout. $1=1 workout. At the end of the health streak, you take the money and run..and treat yourself in regards to your past accomplishments. I’ve seen the idea online a few times and I thought I could give it a try.

A person’s inspiration is very similar to where they find their motivation. Usually you find celebrities, sports players, or musicians that inspire you, but others have friends, maybe a store that they heard, or they inspire themselves. In hindsight I’m vaguely speaking about exercise..vaguely.. But coming from a gym worker, just watching a person use all of their strength to put in a workout at the end of the day is enough inspiration for me to want to do the same once my shift is over with. That person’s physique  is the stimulus to my incitement  which leads to a positive result.

As far as influences go, usually everyone can have an impact on my thoughts, in every which way. This doesn’t necessarily mean that if someone has a strong opinion about my current activity, I will take it into consideration.. I may be speaking through my ignorant teenager words, but I typically take influences with a grain of salt and reflect on them later in the day, week, or even at the end of the year. I sometimes believe that you account for influences when you most certainly have to. I don’t know how many times I have been in the car or on a run and think to myself “Wow that one random person that I meant months ago really means something to me”, no, not really. I can recall one random occurrence that did slightly influence me though, the extremely down to earth bus driver that my class had on our senior trip to New Jersey. Whenever he spoke to us on the loud speaker, he immediately grabbed our attention with his signature ‘woop woop’ chant, and told us stories about life after high school on the way home. There were three particular words that he expressed in one of stories that really stuck to me: fear is life. Out of anything else meaningful that our bus driver broadcasted through the speaker, I proceeded to relate as many things as I could to that phrase, all the way back to the school.

It really is magnificent how people, places, stories, events, or anything else can inspire you. It can motive and influence you to do something; maybe something that you’ve never thought of doing (hiking the Appalachian trail, taking part in a triathlon, having a family..)

Everywhere you look, at anytime of the day, something, anything possible can have an impact on your life or day-to-day activities. Some people may believe that their life is so strenuous and boring and has too much routine, but I truly feel that a different day advances before your eyes whether its noticeable or not. Some people could branch this off into religious context but I’ll end this with a neutral note because I’m just that kind of gal..

Stepping back to reevaluate your current situation may first seem senseless and a complete waste of time, but in may just leave you deep in thought about the good vibes coming from all of the influences and waves of positivity that has clung to your life.



*What motivates you?

2 Responses

  1. your work out log/jar is such a good idea! that inspires me to start working out every day! …maybe i will start when i go to college? haha i hope. 

  2. Haven’t you found the Olympics to be inspiring?  How about that guy from South Africa who had his legs amputated and now he is running in the Olympics.  It wasn’t that easy though because he had a lot of burecratic hurdles to jump over before he could actually race.  He was amazing.  Aunt Terry used to say, “I complained because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet”.  I think of that often when I am tempted to complain about something.  I find you inspiring when I see you working at Aunt Lisa’s.  I think there is nothing lazy about Makayla.  Makes me proud you are my niece.  Now you are getting ready to go to school.  There will be no one to push you or motivate you.  It is all up to you.  One thing I thought of while reading your blog was I don’t know if you know but there are ways you can get your books cheaper on line or Craigs’ list.  I’m not sure of all the possiblilities but you may want to check with your advisor at school and see where you can get used current books.  You can save half as much or more by getting them this way and then I would advise you to sell them right after the semester is over to gain more money for your next semesters purchase.  You may already know this info.  but if not maybe it will be helpful.

    Love you girl!  Aunt Ruthie

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